SSC Embroidery Design School

Tutor Program

Personal Training


The only prerequisite to participating in the Professional Tutoring program, is for the student to have enough digitizing experience that they can complete a design on their own. It would be nice, but not necessary, for the student to have read the textbook, Digitizing 101. This would reduce the time needed to share information which has been thoughtfully compiled in this publication.


Although the Professional Tutoring program is on-going, it would help us to know when a student would like to participate. This can be done by either dropping us a email note or calling toll free, 1-888-991-0707.

The process

The Professional Tutoring program places requirements on both the student and the tutor. The student is tasked with choosing a left chest or cap design of their choice. The design should offer enough challenge and complexity to provide the tutor with a feel for where the student is in their learning process.

After completing the design, the student sends the design and it's corresponding art to us via emails or on disc via USPS.

Upon receiving your design, we will;

  • Sew out the design
  • Evaluate the design for artistic value
  • Evaluate the design for production efficiency
  • Evaluate the design for proper pathing
  • Evaluate the design for overall quality

Our findings will then be presented to you;

  • In a constructively written critique
  • With diagrams and specific recommendations
  • Including a relative score on the major design areas


The fee for the services listed above, is $100 per evaluation. The fee is due at the time the design and artwork are submitted for critique.

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